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Website Marketing: 5 Rookie Mistakes to Avoid

4:12 pm, Fri, 9 September 16

Episode 21 of Landscape Digital Show reveals how to avoid or fix the 5 most common website marketing mistakes. 


Website Marketing: 5 Rookie Mistakes to Avoid

These are considered to be rookie website marketing mistakes because, for the most part, they are easy to avoid and fix.

#1. Spelling and Grammar Mistakes

In addition to fixing these spelling and grammar mistakes, make it a habit to review your website pages on a regular basis with the intent of improving them.

• Eliminate unnecessary words
• Rephrase sentences for clarity
• Reorder paragraphs to give your message greater impact.

#2. Content Category Confusion

Whether you are blogging (and I hope you are) or creating pages for specific services, you should carefully choose the categories your website content addresses.

Why? Well, because these categories are the big problem areas your business promises to know how to fix for its customers.

So, don’t give them hundreds, or even dozens. And put on your SEO hat when you create them.

#3. No Apparent Service Specialization

This is probably the top mistake I see with landscape company websites. They offer too many choices.

Imagine for a moment that your business is a restaurant. Are you a steak joint or a fish house? There are plenty of consumers out there to support both. But they first have to know what kind you are

They want to know your specialization, not everything you can do.

#4. Lack of A Compelling Story

We’ve talked a lot about being likeable to build alignment and trust with buyers. The only way to do that is to have a compelling story that lets them know who you are on a personal level.

This means you have to take a stand. Let your audience know where you came from and why you are passionate about this industry. How and why did you get into it? What inspired you will very likely inspire your ideal buyers.

#5. Doesn’t Guide the Buyer’s Journey

If your website was a print brochure, you would presumably want people to start with page one and then go to page two, and so on, until they get to the point of making a purchase.

So, here’s my question? If your website home page is page one, which one is the second page? Now you understand the problem!

Here’s the thing. Your website isn’t a book so there is no page two. When a website visitor lands on any page there should be a call to action. That’s how you guide their online journey with your business to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes.

Show Notes

Download the free Grammarly app to improve your editing. It will catch misspelling and the grammar and punctuation mistakes that are often missed.

We’ll greatly appreciate it if you head over to Landscape Digital Show on iTunes and give it an honest rating and review. Thank you for listening and subscribing!

Call to Action

The call to action for this episode is to take this list of common website mistakes and use them to analyze your website. Tackle them one at a time, with the easiest being addressing grammar and spelling and simplifying content categories and areas of specialization.

The most important one is also the most challenging. That’s telling a compelling story that engages people in your audience at an emotional level.

This is work that is never completely done. So, just give it your best shot and keep refining it as your business grows.