It’s About Time
We get it. You want to grow your business but have so many questions and limited time.
Growing a business gets easier as you gradually acquire experience.
We'll work with you to fast track that learning curve.
This is Jeff Korhan, the founder of True Nature Marketing. I know exactly how that feels because I’ve been in your shoes. In the early days of my landscape contracting business, I too had many “I should have known that” moments.
Over time we experienced some exciting breakthroughs. We tinkered and tested our systems to ultimately get them right. After some years, a book publisher approached me about sharing those discoveries with business owners like you, and the labor of love that became Built-In Social was the proud result.
You may have seen me in

My philosophy is rooted in the belief that every entrepreneur has the potential to thrive.
You don’t need a marketing degree or to be technologically savvy to be successful. What matters most is you, especially the challenges that equip you like no other.
Entrepreneurship is a challenging journey, but one that is full of rewards for those who are willing to put in the work. What truly matters is your passion, drive, and resilience, as well as your willingness to learn and adapt in the face of obstacles.
I welcome the opportunity to work with you to solve problems and make discoveries that will catalyze a predictable growth trajectory for your business success.

Which Brings Me To You
My commitment is to bring you the very best of what I’m practicing and learning from other experts. I’ll keep it honest and real because that’s how I got here.
If you’ve read this far, thank you. I hope this is just the beginning of our relationship.