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Marketing Systems: 3 Steps to Production Efficiency

4:02 pm, Sat, 17 September 16

Marketing Systems: 3 Steps to Production Efficiency

Remember how proud you were of those early landscape projects?

That was the just the beginning. Over the years you developed systems for getting more work done, and for doing it with a higher level of skill and integrity.

Landscape, lawn and tree care companies are production driven because getting work done efficiently is what generates profits.

You won’t last long in this industry if you are not efficient. And as marketing becomes increasingly complex and necessary, you will need marketing systems to be productive with it too.

Lack of time was the top marketing challenge named in our 2016 Digital Marketing Survey. Take the survey and get the full report before GIE+Expo

But this isn’t just about time.

Marketing systems that create results will make you and your team proud. And that alone will make your marketing better.

#1 – Take Inventory of Opportunities

When you know the specific business opportunities you want, your mind starts working on how to attract them. You start thinking about the message that will get his or her attention.

That’s right; whether the work is high-end residential design-build projects or the management of highly visible commercial properties, you need to know who the buyer(s) are and build your marketing around those personas.

#2 – Organize Marketing Activities

What are your current marketing activities, and are they working? Obviously, you want to either fix unproductive activities or stop doing them all together.

For example, everyone should know by now that you need to advertise on Facebook to get results. One way of doing this is by boosting your posts.

But most of us have realized one-off Facebook advertising like boosting posts is no longer effective. I’m now actively learning how to use the power editor to batch Facebook ads to achieve organizational efficiencies.

You want to organize your marketing activities into three categories:


Some activities can be automated using marketing automation tools like Zapier. The way most of these tools work is that an action is triggered by another action.

It’s simple. Take an action and get an outcome. You just have to set it up.


There are abundant virtual admins to whom you can delegate activities such as editing blog posts and audio, publishing your social media posts and more. Here’s one trusted source.


The most important activities are the ones you have to do. If you listened to our Landscape Digital Show episode on the entrepreneur time system, you know these are your highest value activities. And they are usually customer focused.

When you batch your high-value activities you remove distractions and increase your efficiency. Like a landscape project, you stay with it until it’s finished. It’s that important.

#3 – Build and Refine the Workflow

Workflow is the steps that must be taken to achieve desired results.

Your workflow steps must be written out for it to work. Period.

The key is writing your workflow steps before you do the activity. This alone will make everything run more smoothly. It’s planning that minimizes mistakes.

Now, every time you do that activity you can refine the steps.

You’ll probably change the order of the steps.

You’ll learn shortcuts.

And more opportunities will be captured.

Call to Action

In our recent webinar with Michaela Prouzova, we discussed how to use free tools to be more efficient with your social media listening and scheduling.

You’ll find the replay in the Webinars section of the Member Area dashboard.