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Content Repurposing: 5 Tips for Doing it Right

6:21 pm, Fri, 7 October 16

Episode 29 of Landscape Digital Show reveals why strategic content repurposing is an essential marketing practice and 5 tips for doing it right.


Content Repurposing: 5 Tips for Doing it Right

You are going to be hearing a lot about content repurposing for one reason.

It is so much tougher to reach your audience today.

Unlike the early days, blogs are no longer the destinations that they used to be.

Instead, we are all consuming content on channels like Facebook and LinkedIn.

The challenge with getting noticed on platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn is that that they have become pay to play. This was to be expected because there are a lot of people and companies competing for attention, and many of them are prepared to pay for it.

The point is that in addition to getting smarter about social media advertising, you need to use every tactic available to ensure you reach your targeted audience,

If you want to drive traffic to your owned platforms, and I hope you do, then you have to go out and get the attention of that rented audience and steal it.

Bring it back to your platform, your website, or otherwise get those audience members to opt-in to your list of email subscribers. That’s what content repurposing can do for you.

5 Tips for Purposeful Repurposing

#1 – Always Establish Ownership

You have to own your content. This means it first has to be published on your website so that Google can index it and give you credit for authoring it.

#2 – Customize for the Audience and Marketing Channel

If you truly understand your audience you know what they want. If you do not know then you should ask and build your discoveries into audience personas.

#3 – Start in The Middle

The middle of your message is the substance, the meat of it if you will. That core message seldom changes.

Therefore, the way to freshen it up is to introduce it with a different story. Another approach is no opening story at all. Just jump into the middle.

You’ve probably noticed many successful films do this. Give it a try.

#4 – Change the Medium

Adult learners like to consume content in their preferred format, which may be audio, video, text, or combinations of each. Give people options.

#5 – Create New Headlines

You will discover your headlines will improve with each content repurposing iteration. The way to know for sure is by checking your analytics.

For example, if you believe the content will be primarily consumed on a mobile device you want to lead with the 2 or 3 keywords that best describe it because that is all that may be visible on some devices.

Show Notes

Call to Action

Discover how you can grow your audience by getting more mileage out of your content.

My suggestion is to continue working on the content audit discussed in Episode 27. You will be able to choose your best content from your content audit spreadsheet and repurpose it to get more value from it.

Don’t randomly repurpose your content. Be purposeful.

Repurpose with a purpose.