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The Workforce is Your Greatest Marketing Asset

3:12 pm, Sat, 7 January 17

The Workforce is Your Greatest Marketing Asset

If the attendance and interaction are any indication, our December webinar with Frank J Kenny was a huge success. The general topic was digital marketing, but we specifically zoomed in on how to increase digital marketing conversions by moving leads all the way to sales.

The big aha moment is that digital marketing is more like traditional selling than marketing. The reason for this is that unlike traditional marketing that promotes, digital content nurtures relationships and guides prospective buyers to solutions that are right for them.

Isn’t this how every member of your team is now contributing to customer success? Frank Kenny noted that every person in your workforce influences the customer experience in some way, whether that is with accurate invoicing or a familiar voice that follows up with a service phone call.

Your workforce is collectively a storehouse of valuable customer information.  In addition to specific customer needs and wants, this includes personal details that are only shared with people they trust. This makes your team an invaluable marketing asset to leverage for adding value to your social and other forms of media content.

Before we get to how that can work, here’s the complete video conversation with me with Frank. These monthly videos are archived in our private Member Area. To get free access to the others is simple. Just register here to become a free member of Landscape Digital Institute. Everyone is welcome. No charge; unsubscribe anytime.


People Trust People More Than Marketing

In addition to being a lifelong entrepreneur, Frank Kenny is a former Chamber of Commerce CEO. It was in this most recent career transition that Kenny discovered how social media, and digital marketing in general, can engage a targeted audience and move them to action.

It’s accomplished by consistently creating and contributing value for that audience.

Value is the differentiator. What’s exciting is there are myriad ways to contribute value, which means it’s a unique differentiator that every business can employ without fear of being matched in the marketplace.

The role of the business is to provide systems that leverage the talents and personal qualities of its workforce in every way.

If you are the business owner, then you have told us you assume primary responsibility for planning and implementing digital marketing, according to our survey. And due to your other responsibilities, this explains why business owners like you report they are dedicating only 1-5 hours/week to it.

The one solution to your time limitations is tapping into the strengths of your greatest marketing asset, your workforce.

Surprisingly, our recent survey reveals that only 23% of landscaping industry companies encourage their staff to use social media. This is the opportunity.

Give your team a system to follow and trust them to implement it. This is what great coaches do. They train and then trust the strategy by teaching and guiding their team with its implementation, and of course, tracking results.

If you are serious about taking your marketing to the next level in 2017 you need a proven content strategy to convey to new customers who you are, what you do and why you do it that differentiates your business from every other company in your market. That’s your brand story.

And the ones that know it best is your workforce.

Your team needs to be trained on the nuances of digital and social media marketing; that goes without saying. The justification for that investment is they are on the front lines and ideally positioned to effectively use it because your customers trust them.