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Social Media Marketing: One Idea to Make It Work for You

2:16 pm, Tue, 4 July 17

Episode 69 of Landscape Digital Show reveals one powerful idea for making social media marketing work for any business.


Social Media Marketing: One Idea to Make It Work for You

In a recent video interview, internationally recognized Internet personality Gary Vaynerchuk shared a brilliant idea for making social media work.

If you get overwhelmed with the grind of creating content to fuel your social media marketing efforts, then this is your lucky day. This approach will work for anybody because most of us share the same challenge.

Here’s the idea: Stop creating and start documenting.

We spend too much time thinking about creating perfect content when the content that matters most is what we are doing every day. Document that and you’ll never run out of content.

GaryVee points out that documenting is actually creating your own reality show, and the best part is you do not have to think too much about it.

Just show up and be yourself.

What you do every day and how you do it matters to the people you interact with, including the customers that your business serves.

That reality is the opportunity. If it’s boring, you’ll quickly figure out a way to make it better. People seldom get better by thinking and planning, but by testing those ideas again, and again, and again.

As Gary puts it, “Do this and check back with me in five years.”

Is there work involved? Absolutely, but knowing that work will lead to tangible results is exciting. So, let’s break down this equation into its most essential components, with the most important being you.

Your Brand Voice is Social

As you know, most of the social media published is not remarkable because it has been scrubbed and sanitized of what makes social media work, and that’s what’s real.

Reality disarms people and makes them take notice. This reality is the voice of your personal brand.

That voice stands out in a sea of sameness, but it’s not going to fully express itself without daily practice.

What are people buying when they buy you? That’s a good question to answer because it will help you position your personal and business brands.

Whatever it is, you’ll discover more about it by putting your most authentic self out there on channels like Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, and Facebook, because these are the visual channels.

Visuals are memorable content that can be created in minutes if you commit to doing it and not worrying about making it perfect. In fact, raw media tends to get the most favorable response because we recognize it to be real.

It’s been said that life is what happens when ….

Complete that sentence as you wish, but use it as a reminder that your life is full of content branding opportunities. Don’t let them pass. Document them.

You just may discover that it’s a fun way to become a better you.

Now that you have the approach, let’s go further and apply it to your business marketing.

Authenticity Speaks to Ideal Customers

Before people invest in your business, they invest in you. That’s what your authentic brand voice can accomplish.

You are now halfway there. You’ve achieved the “know and like” of getting people to know, like and trust your business because that is all about personality.

The only thing missing to convert that attention into profitable outcomes is a repeatable business process that shows the world what you do and how you do it.

One of the secrets to marketing nowadays is you have to be able to show people why your business matters without overselling.

In the context of social media, this is accomplished by documenting what your business does that’s real, honest and authentic. Don’t underestimate how desperately your ideal buyers want this, which may include:

When you use social media to document these events you are doing two things:

#1. Creating connections.  The people, places, and things that you are connected to are used by the social networks to connect the dots. More connections mean more opportunities for appearing in the newsfeeds of people connected with other people, places and things, and so on all the way out to infinity.

That is a massive payoff just for showing up!

#2. Becoming more aware. Awareness of your daily business activities helps you progressively refine the process of serving customers to make it better.

Don’t create; document.

It’s a monster tip for using social media marketing to build a personal brand that attracts leads and opportunities that will make your business grow.

Show Notes

Call to Action

Now that you have no more excuses, it’s time to start using social media marketing to document what happens in your landscaping business.

That’s the call to action for this episode.

I chose to focus on posting daily on Instagram and it’s working. I’m reconnecting with friends and colleagues that are not active on my other channels or are filtered out by the algorithms

Perfection is nice to have, but progress is what gets you there.