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Marketing Consistency: How to Be The Trusted Customer Choice

10:44 am, Sat, 7 January 17

Episode 46 of Landscape Digital Show reveals how marketing consistency leads to being the trusted customer choice. 



Marketing Consistency: How to Be The Trusted Customer Choice

The Consumer Electronics Show is underway and buzzing with talk about Artifical Intelligence and Virtual Reality – two digital marketing technologies that we will be hearing a lot about this year, and most likely putting into practice in the years to come.

There’s no question digital marketing is going to get crazy real, meaning, it’s going to be possible to have your website and other digital marketing platforms deliver an experience that is every bit as powerful as the real one.


You may be thinking your live customer experience is pretty good, but it could be better. No problem, because that awareness alone is huge for making it better.

One of the most important steps for improving that customer experience is making your marketing more consistent. In our recent Digital Marketing Report, which will be published in Landscape Management magazine next week, green industry marketers compared their marketing with that of their peers.

Landscape Digital Marketing Industry Report

The most telling response was that 20% rated their marketing as good, but inconsistent. Anyone will tell you that you cannot be a good spouse or friend if you are inconsistent. Consistency is expected because it is equated with quality and professionalism.

If you ask people what it takes to be a great marketer, most will rank creativity high on the list. The truth is consistency is what always wins the marketing game because it builds trust. And we all know that people choose to work with companies that they trust.

Not only that, if you take the steps to strategically plan your marketing and consistently implement it, your overall business performance will improve. The reason is that authentic marketing is a reflection of the business brand.

3 Requirements for Marketing Consistency

Let’s unpack how this can work for any landscaping, lawn or tree care company by breaking down the 3 essential requirements.

1. Get a marketing strategy that aligns with your business goals.
2. Consistently implement it to serve and grow your customer audience
3. Keep everything personal, because people trust people more than they trust marketing.

Traditional marketing was designed to promote products and services. It sold features and benefits that promised a better quality of life for the customer. This is still valid marketing, but in a world with abundant product and service choices, your marketing strategy has to do much more than that or it will not get noticed.

In a word, your marketing has to build trust.

Trust is earned today with marketing content (often digital content) that educates, informs and inspires a targeted audience. This content gives customers an inside look at who you are, what you care about (which we hope includes them), and how you operate.

It’s personal. This means it has to be strategically designed to clearly tell the story you want to share with your future customers. What do you want them to know, to see, think and feel about you and your business?

Your marketing content ideally promotes what you want your business to become. That may be something new or a better version of what it is today. Whatever it is, it’s what you want people to see and feel so that they are inclined to initiate or sustain a relationship with your business.

Content is the foundation of all of your marketing today because, without it, you have nothing to promote, other than your products and services. That means you will have a tough time building trust.

It also means you will have nothing to optimize. You are probably familiar with the phrase content is king. Now we’re talking about SEO – search engine optimization.

All of the paid SEO in the world is not going to do you any good if it doesn’t sit on a foundation of exceptional content that people want to consume.

And when you consistently create that content over time it collectively tells your brand story for that audience of customers.

This is content marketing. It’s what you may know as articles, blog posts, videos, and social media updates. All of it attracts and retains the trust of a targeted audience, thereby driving profitable outcomes for your business.

Show Notes

Call to Action

The call to action for this episode is to bring all of this home.

First, get clear about what you want for your business from the perspective of your customers. What do you want them to feel when they first encounter your marketing or share when talking about their experience with your business?

Then become a student of content marketing. You can do right here at Landscape Digital Show and with the other free content that we provide at Landscape Digital Institute, including our free webinars.

In addition to that, we’ll be offering structured online courses and coaching by this March or April when we open Landscape Digital Academy.

And finally, be mindful of being consistent and remember to keep it personal, because people trust people more than they trust marketing. That’s really the magic of content marketing, because what is consistent and real soon becomes known, liked, and then ultimately, trusted.