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Email Marketing: 3 Essential Conversion Practices

3:23 pm, Sat, 29 October 16

Episode 36 of Landscape Digital Show reveals 3 essential email marketing practices for converting attention into profitable outcomes.



Email Marketing: 3 Essential Conversion Practices

Email is my favorite marketing channel, and I’m certainly not alone in that. But it hasn’t always been this way. I used to dread my weekly email newsletters because it was time-consuming to create them, partly because I was not sure my topic ideas were the right ones.

The right email topics are the ones that lead to productive changes.

Those challenges exist with any marketing channel, but email is the one that gives you the most control for managing them. You can (and should) try different strategies and tactics and learn from them. That’s what I did and it’s how I discovered these 3 vital email marketing conversion practices.

#1 – Listen to Your Audience

Your email newsletter appearance is vitally important because it’s a presentation. And while most people will tell you to “be yourself” when you get on stage, the truth is you are playing a role. You’re performing.

If you get it right, that performance is one that will have the audience thinking, “I like this guy (or gal). They remind me of me.” And if you listen, they will tell you what you are doing that makes them feel that way.

#2 – Be Human

What is it about industry events that attracts thousands of people? It’s the human interactions. You want to connect and have conversations with people that understand you and your circumstances.

That’s what you need to bring to your email newsletters, and all of your marketing for that matter. But it’s especially relevant to email because other than face to face, this is where conversions take place.

You have the full attention of your audience and can literally do whatever you want, including building intimacy that leads to trust.

#3 – Spark Change That Leads to Transformation

How many emails do you receive from companies that ask you to not reply? A lot I’m sure. When I encounter that I can only think of how it turns people off.

You worked so hard to get my attention, and now that I have a question you’re shutting me down. Are you serious? It’s like you dragged me out onto the dance floor to break up with me. Ugh

This is the one conversion technique that belongs in every email. So, make it obvious. And then please do respond. This is what you worked so hard for.

You now have your customer’s attention and can now:

a. listen
b. be human
c. spark change that leads to transformation.

That’s what marketing is supposed to do.

Show Notes

Call to Action

The call to action for this episode is to get your email marketing rocking.

Later this year we’ll be launching a course that will help. So, be sure you are a subscriber to get early notice.  Just go to Landscape.Digital and it will take you to our site where you can join or subscribe.

Until then, hit reply to any of my emails or use the contact form at Landscape Digital Institute and I will do my best to help you out. Thanks for listening