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Channel Objectives: Investing in Your Audience

6:31 pm, Fri, 12 August 16

Episode 13 of Landscape Digital Show reveals why it’s necessary to have clear channel objectives and to invest in your audience to achieve them.

Channel Objectives: Investing In Your Audience

The results are coming in from our 2016 Landscape Industry Digital Marketing survey and one relevant outcome appears to be a widespread lack of clear channel objectives. This probably means companies are using too many channels to promote content with the hope that it will stick.

A smarter approach is to choose fewer channels, with one of them being email, and tailor the content to achieve specific objectives for the respective audiences.


Show Notes

Our 2nd free hosted Kelly Dowell with Dowco Enterprises: Digital Savvy Recruiting and Hiring Tips Your Landscape Business Needs to Know

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Call to Action

List the digital marketing channels you are committed to and have clear objectives for each. It is recommended that email is one of these channels.

The majority of landscape industry businesses name Facebook as their most important digital channel, and that is fine. But encourage that audience to cross over to your email channel where you can have more control for developing a more intimate and meaningful relationship with them.